Monday, September 21, 2009

Atheism is... a poem by Richard Coughlan

This poem is amazing and sums up why I don't believe in God.

All credit goes to Richard Coughlan

Link to the original video:

Atheism offers nothing to me
It never has and it never will
It doesn't make me feel good or comfort me
It's not there for me when I'm sick or ill
It can't intervene in my times of need
It won't protect me from hate and lies

It doesn't care if I fail or succeed
And it won't wipe the tears from my eyes
It does nothing when I've got no where to run
It won't give me wise words or advice
It has no teachings for me to learn
It can't show me what's bad or nice
It's never inspired or excited anyone
It won't help me fulfill all my goals
It won't tell me to stop when I'm having fun
It's never saved one single soul

It doesn't take credit for everything I achieve
It won't make me get down on bended knee
It doesn't demand that I have to believe
It won't torture me for eternity
It won't teach me to hate or despise others
It can't tell me what's right or wrong
It can't tell anybody that they can't be lovers
It's told nobody that they don't belong
It won't make you think life is worth living
It has nothing to offer me, that's true
But the reason Atheism offers me nothing
Is because I've never asked it to

Atheism offers nothing because it doesn't need to
Religion promises everything because you want it to
You don't need a religion or to have faith
You just want it because you need to feel safe

I want to feel reality and nothing more
So atheism offers me everything
But religion has stolen before

Monday, January 12, 2009

Yes, I am an Atheist.

Some of you already know, and some of you might not know, but I am an Atheist. I'm not typing this to "recruit" Atheists, and I'm not trying to shove a lack of religion down anyone's throat.

I didn't think I would have to write this, but the sheer ignorance of some people have forced me to. Some people just don't know what Atheism is, and it just boggles my mind! If you don't know what it is, ask someone or google it. Here are the things a lot of people don't know about Atheism.

1) Atheists do not worship the devil. Atheists don't believe in the devil. The devil is a religious creation, and since we practice the religion of not having a religion, why should the devil be included in our lack of religion?

2) Atheists aren't necessarily "bad" people. Am I a bad person? Do I do bad things? Enough said on that issue.

3) Atheists aren't necessarily "immoral." We're living our lives without rules, or commandments if you will, but just because we have no "rules" does not mean we're out murdering people, raping people, "coveting thy neighbors wife," etc.

A lot of people probably would have never guessed I was an Atheist (in fact, I'm sure I know some Young Life leaders who would probably have a heart attack if they found out), but it doesn't matter, I'm only an Atheist because I'm nothing else. I don't believe in anything and that's that.

I have many religious friends who know I'm an Atheist and don't judge me based on that, just like I don't judge them based on their religion. That's how life should be, but because of all of the ignoramuses out there, this had to be typed.

Another thing that really pisses me off is the fact that some religious people like to shove theirs down people's throats. Stop it. I don't care. I'm not listening. I'm not preaching Atheism to you, stop preaching Jesus/Moses/Allah/Horus/Zeus/Buddha to me. And I appreciate all my religious friends who choose not to shove religion down my throat, you are awesome.

Also, I don't think we're going to hell. So don't say that that's where we're going. According to us, there is no heaven or hell, because if we don't believe in God or Satan, why would those places exist?

If you've gotten this far without being offended too much, then I applaud you, and thanks for reading :P